School Logo

Dosbarth 9

Croeso i Ddosbarth 9





Welcome to Class 9


Class Teacher - Miss Davies

Teaching Assistant - Mrs Robins

PPA Teacher - Mr Booker



Please could you return your bookbags to school every Tuesday so we can check on your progress at home. Please remember to keep updating your reading record every time you read at home. If you have finished your book we will change it over for you, if not you can take the same book home again. Bookbags will be sent home on a Friday. 



Class Dojo is the best way to keep up to date with what we have been doing in class. We post regular updates, as well as important announcements. Class Dojo is also the best place to message us directly if you have any concerns or questions, we will always try to get back to you as quickly as possible.



PE is every Wednesday. Please ensure that your child is wearing their school polo shirt, and suitable leggings/joggers/shorts and trainers. 



Please ensure your child has a coat/jacket to bring to school with them. Especially in the Winter months please ensure they have a warm coat, as break times and lunch times can get very cold outside.



Please bring a healthy snack to school reading for break time. This may include fruit, vegetables, yoghurts and breakfast bars. The children should not be eating sweets, chocolate or crisps as their snack.


Useful Welsh questions. 

Beth ydy dy enw di? 

Sut wyt ti'n teimlo? 

Beth sy'n bod? 

Beth sy'n bod ar Sam? 

Sut mae'r tywydd heddiw? 


Useful Websites 

If you would like to practice a little extra maths at home, here are a few websites we recommend:

Maths Games for KS2: designed by a teacher for teachers - Mathsframe

Maths - Topmarks Search
