What to do if your child is absent
If your child is absent from school, for whatever reason, it is the responsibility of the parent/carer to inform the school office before 9.30am.
You can do this by either-
- Telephone 02920461894 & press 1 to leave a message
- Send a text message to 02920090043
- Send a Dojo message to Mrs Hamilton
- Email
If a parent/carer does not contact the school with a reason, the school will contact the parent/carer to establish the reason for absence either by telephone call or text message.
For safeguarding reasons, the school may also make a home visit if contact can’t be made.
Attendance Leaflet for Parents
Let’s get attendance back on track
Baden Powell Primary School is working with Cardiff Council to improve school attendance to ensure our pupils have the best chance of achieving.
Following the disruption caused to education during the pandemic, we’re keen to remind families that every day in school matters. Regular school attendance is important, not just because the law requires it, but it helps our learners to achieve more and improve attainment during their school lives and beyond.
Fixed Penalty Notices for non-school attendance have now been re-instated by Welsh Government following the pandemic and schools may now consider requesting these in the case of unauthorised absence or an unauthorised holiday.
Please ensure that your child attends every day and is on time. If your child is absent for any reason, please contact the school to explain the absence.
1. Telephone 02920461894 & press 1 to leave a message
2. Send a text message to 02920090043
3. Send a Dojo message to Mrs. Hamilton
Every school has access to a School Attendance Officer and an allocated Education Welfare Officer who will help and support you with any difficulties you may have with your child’s attendance at school. The School’s Attendance Officers for Baden Powell are Miss Letman and Mrs. Hamilton.
So, it’s time to get attendance back on track.
For more information visit
In addition to support available from the School’s Attendance Officer and the Education Welfare Service, Cardiff Family Advice and Support offers a range of information, advice and assistance for children, young people and their families on a range of issues relating to family life which may be impacting on their school attendance. Visit to find out more.
It’s time to get attendance back on track. Being in school every day gives our pupils/students the best chance to achieve. #Everydaymatters so turn up!
Find out more:
School attendance figures in the city have dropped with many learners still missing days regularly. We need to get attendance back on track #everydaymatters
We made good progress on improving attendance pre-pandemic and we need your support to get back there. Make sure your child attends every day #everydaymatters