Croeso i Feithrinfa/Welcome to Nursery!
Important Information
It is very important for your child that they arrive on time to nursery.
Please remember children are collected from Nursery between 11.20am and 11.30.
It can be very upsetting for them if you are late.
As the weather changes, please remember to bring a warm coat everyday, with your child's name in.
Our nursery children spend a great deal of their time outside.
Snack Time
Currently, we ask that you provide your child with 1 pieces fruit for snack
We can offer and water milk to drink.
Class Dojo
Please ensure you have joined us on Class Dojo.
We use this to show what we're getting up to in nursery as well as sharing important messages.
Instead of Show & Tell, why not use Class Dojo to share with us some of the fun things you have been doing at home.
We may set tasks to do at home e.g things to find or make. These can then be photographed and posted on Class Dojo for everyone in nursery to see.
Please follow our Twitter page @BadenPowellPS or #badennursery for further updates!
Our Learning this Term
Autumn 1- All about me, my family, my home and feelings
Autumn 2- All about me- celebrations, the weather and Christmas
Things to do at Home
Sing number and nursery rhymes with your children.
Read them a story
Count objects at home.
Practise putting your coat on and doing the zip up.
Diolch yn fawr for your continued support!