National Tests Yr2-6
Personalised Assessments
At Baden Powell, we use the Hwb platform to carry out Numeracy, Reasoning and Reading Personalised Assessments in Years 2- 6.
The assessment feedback will give teachers useful information about how your child is progressing in Numeracy and Literacy and will be used alongside other assessments, classroom observations, and pupil work, to provide information about how we can help them continue to make progress.
How to access the assessment feedback
(see pictures)
To access your child’s feedback, log in to your child's Hwb account.
Once logged in, click on the Personalised Assessment icon.
Next, click on the ‘Learner Feedback’ icon. Here you’ll find information about how your child did in the assessments.
Learner feedback provides you and your child with information about the questions they answered correctly and the questions they struggled with. You can also access sample questions, which you might like to look at with your child. Your child’s class teacher(s) will be using this information to plan activities.
Progress Scores
This information will give you an idea of how your child performed in the assessments compared to their previous performances, and other children in Wales. You’ll also be given your child’s age-standardised score. This score can range between 70-130, the average being 100.
Remember, this result is just one piece of information teachers will use to assess and plan activities for your child. This is just a snapshot, and doesn’t give an overall and complete picture of your child’s attainment