Dosbarth 11
Croeso i Ddosbarth 11
Welcome to Class 11
Class teacher - Mr Green
Class TA - Mrs Hutchings
PPA Cover - Mr Booker
Management cover - Miss Marsden
We will be looking at conflicts over time, the rise and fall of the British Empire, the history of enslavement, the impact of WW2 on children, and lots more. We will also look at the history of flags and their relevance in battle. As well as all this, we will look at conflict in our own lives and ways to manage, handle and avoid it.
We have daily Maths lessons to practise important skills for everyday life. We then consolidate these skills by using them across the curriculum in our topic lessons because it's important that we use them in meaningful, real-life activities.
It is really important to have a good grasp of the basics, like times tables, in order to access the higher level numeracy activities as they get older. These can easily be practised at home.
Below are some links to engaging maths games for all ability levels that can be played at home:
We cover a wide range of genres in our Literacy lessons. All of the work we do throughout the week builds up to a final writing piece. We also encourage lots of reading in order to introduce vocabulary and ideas to the children.
Reading- We do GGR ( Guided Group Reading) everyday, which is a fantastic way for children to learn to read in a group environment, with lots of discussion and interaction. When not reading, the children are doing reading based activities independently, which is also great for their skill development. We also have individual reading books, which are read both independently and with a teacher/TA.
Individual reading books are sent home on Fridays and need to be returned by Tuesday.
We also have access to a huge library of books on the Collins Hub website. Each child has their log-in details stuck to the inside cover over their reading records, and you can access using the link below:
Oracy - We do lots of speaking and listening activities to develop the confidence to articulate ideas, work effectively with others and engage in activities using spoken language.
We do daily Welsh activities to encourage children to communicate in Welsh as much as possible. Follow the links below for fun Welsh activities and games:
Our PE day is Wednesday. We are timetabled to use the hall in the afternoon, but if the weather is good we prefer to go outside. Please consider this and ensure your child has appropriate clothing to take part. Comfortable trainers are needed to participate safely, with a plain blue or white polo shirt and plain navy or black jogging bottoms.
Class dojo;
Check Class Dojo for updates throughout the week , and if you have any questions/concerns, this is a good way to contact me.
You can follow the school on Twitter by adding @BadenPowellPS