Class 8
Croeso i dudalen Dosbarth 8
Welcome to Class 8
This is one of the most important skills and a big focus for our school. Reading is used for every subject in school and vital for life! You should aim to read every night for 10/15 minutes and can do this by using our class log in details for tons of free books on Oxford Owl (we will post the details on dojo) .
Fruit Snack
You can bring your own healthy snack (fruit or vegetable sticks) to school to eat at playtime.
Please make sure your school uniform has your name on it. Don't forget your coat! This is to make sure that there are no mix-ups, or if you lose your jumper, it can be returned to you as soon as possible.
This term our topic is 'We are Explorers'.
As part of our topic we will be finding out ‘Climate Change’ and the impact that this had on our planet. We have been busy coming up with lots of exciting ideas as a class and the children have completed fun activities during our ‘immersion day’.
Please see below for further information regarding what we will be covering in each subject area.
Language, Literacy & Communication:
- Retelling and writing our own narrative stories.
- Creating Climate Change leaflets.
- Looking at persuasive techniques for writing.
-Writing formal letters.
-Writing biographies.
-We will also be practicing our spellings, handwriting joins and completing our daily GGR activities.
Maths & Numeracy:
- Understanding place value.
- Reading and writing 2/3/4 digit numbers.
-Recalling times tables facts.
-Comparing and estimating numbers.
-Rounding numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.
- Telling the time on analogue and digital clocks.
-Multiplying numbers by 10 and 100.
-Using the column method to add 2 and 3 digit numbers.
Science & Technology, Humanities, Expressive arts & Health & Well-being:
This term we will also be:
- Celebrating Black History Month (this October).
- Learning about the impact that humans have on the environment.
-Learning about the importance of recycling.
-Completing recycling surveys and identifying further ways to improve our local community.
- Learning about the artist Grayson Perry and creating our own Greyson Perry inspired artwork.
- Building on existing relationships with weekly R time sessions.
Important Welsh Questions
Beth ydy dy enw di? - What is your name?
Sut wyt ti'n teimlo?- How are you feeling?
Sut mae'r tywydd heddiw?- How is the weather?
Ble rwyt ti’n byw?- Where do you live?
Beth wyt ti’n wisgo? - What are you wearing?
Beth wyt ti'n gallu wneud?- What do you like to do?
Ydy Sam yn gallu dawnsio?- Can Sam dance?