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Class 9

Welcome to Year 5!


Croeso i Dosbarth 9!

Welcome to Class 9! 


Welcome to a new term!

Our theme for the term is 'We are Investigators' and we are looking at The Iron Man as our focus text. It is a Science focused topic, looking at materials as well as focusing on art and health and wellbeing too. Our artist we are looking at this half term is Nathan Wynburn, a local artist who creates portraits using mediums such as coffee, lipstick and even Marmite on toast! 


We will be learning about materials. We will look at properties and sort materials based on that. We will also be investigating insulators and conductors. We are looking at booking a trip soon with an art focus, but it is weather dependent at the moment! 

As always, there will be lots of literacy and numeracy skills used in our topic lessons too. 

If the children would like to do any extra work/research at home, it would be great to see it in school for extra dojos 😊



It is so important that by Year 5 the children are more confident with their times tables. They are used daily in some way or other and your child will benefit greatly if they are encouraged to practice them regularly so they have a quick recall of facts. This can be done through writing them down, chanting them or playing games! There are lots of great games online that your child could benefit from. One of my favourites is Hit the Button created by Top Marks. 

Try it for yourself! 


We use Welsh as part of all our lessons and throughout the day, not just in Welsh lessons. The children love playing a range of games during the daily 'Helpwr Heddiw' sessions. 

Here are some questions that we will be practising...

Q. Beth ydy dy enw di? (What is your name?)

A. _____ ydy fy enw i. (____ is my name)


Q. Sut wyt ti'n teimlo? (How are you feeling?)

A. Dw i'n hapus/wedi blino/trist (I am happy/tired/sad) 


Q. Beth sy'n bod? (What's wrong?)

A. Mae pen/bola/clust tost gyda fi! (My head/stomach/ear hurts)


Q. Beth sy'n bod ar Sam? (What's wrong with Sam?)

A. Mae pen/bola/clust tost gyda Sam! (Sam's head/stomach/ear hurts)


Q. Sut oedd y tywydd ddoe? (How was the weather yesterday?) 

A. Ddoe roedd hi'n bwrw glaw ac yn oer! (Yesterday it was raining and cold) 


This term we are starting a new topic of 'Y Dref' (The town) and we will be consolidating lots of the sentence patterns and vocabulary that we've learnt previously.


 Please can school lunches be ordered in advance using Parent Pay. If they have not been ordered, your child will have to have whatever the main meal option is for that day. 

Please try to avoid over filling lunch boxes as the children struggle to finish it all in the time given. Our school is a nut free school, so please remember that items containing nuts are not to be sent it, this includes things like nutella spread in sandwiches.

We encourage the children to bring in their own water bottle, but the water fountains are now available to use in the corridors. Bottles are kept in the classroom to ensure the children can have a drink at any point during the day. 

Please ensure that you send a healthy snack into school with your child. Examples of these would be fruit or vegetables to snack on such as carrot and cucumber sticks etc. 


Behaviour and Rewards

We have three simple and clear rules in Baden Powell - 

Be Safe.

Show respect.

Be the best you can be.


We have a reward system in school called the VIP of the week (Very Important Pupil) Every class has a new VIP each week and they have earned the right to wear their own clothes to school. It is a special week for that child and it is clear for the adults and visitors to the school to see who has been working hard. So, if your child is wearing non-uniform and they are not VIP, it will take away the special reward that the VIP has earned for that week. 

P.E. is on Thursday for this term *but this can change due to the weather, I will let you know on Dojo if this happens*. They will not be able to change in school, so please send your child into school in their PE kit on that day. 

Class Dojo is a great way to communicate between school and home so please feel free to message me on there if you have any questions. 



We listen to readers each week and have daily group guided reading sessions. Reading books have been sent home with reading record sheets. 



 You can follow us on Twitter @BadenPowellPS
